Coastal Commission Hearing
July 20, 2012 Dear Big Wave Team, We are officially on the California Coastal Commission August 2012 Draft Agenda August 8, 2012. We wanted you to be the first to know before we sent out notices to all of our supporters. Feel free to contact all potential supporters of Big Wave to attend this […]
First Sprouts from July’s Farm Day
Hello farmers! Here are some pictures of our first sprouts splitting the earth to make their way to the surface. They were planted during the last Farm Day, July 7th, less than one week ago. [Click on the pictures to view them larger!] Thank you Kathy and Max for your perfectly timed daily […]
Big Wave Farm Day 7/’12 Pictures
Hello farmers! Thanks for working so diligently on the farm last Saturday! There are no weeds to be seen and the new irrigation system is all in place and ready for use. Please join us for the next farm day, August 4, 2012. Here are some pictures to remember the day! […]
Wildlife Watch: Local Coyote
A new resident has recently moved into the area near the farm. This new resident, a coyote, has been seen around dusk and helps keep the natural food web in balance, eating wild rabbits and stray cats living nearby. He is usually spotted near or in the wetlands and willows that line the back edge of […]
Farm Update
It was another beautiful weekend at the Big Wave farm. Many volunteers showed up for the farm day, which occurs every first Saturday of each month, and worked hard at preparing and keeping the land in good shape. [Future vegetable beds] Irrigation systems were installed and planting beds were prepared […]