Another Day on the Farm

Hello farmers! The rain has been doing some good on the farm; our vegetables are growing. Some are ready to be picked, others are almost ready. This is the last of the cabbage. However, don’t worry, more cabbage will grow if you weren’t able to get some […]
The Farm is Open Today!
Hello farmers and friends of Big Wave, Are you looking for something to do today that is fun, free and local? Well, look no further than the Big Wave Farm. Come anywhere between 1:00-4:00. The Farm is open today. You can meet and greet our new residents! If you have some food scraps including greens, […]
Farm Day Postponed
Hello farmers! Although the rain is a blessing for California during this time of drought, we will not be having any upcoming farm days. You can still stop by the farm to pick some leady greens and say hello to our chickens! Stay tuned for more news!
February 8th Farm Day post-poned…Please Stay Tuned
Hi there, all you farmers! Due to 100% of rain, the February 8th, 2014 Farm Day is postponed. Our next project will be to plant raised beds and to have fun painting our new ‘hen house’.
Healthy Skin: Fight Melanoma with Fruits and Vegetables?
Click on this link to read a short article about how people might be able to fight skin cancer by eating more fruits and vegetables. Stay healthy! Healthy Skin: Fight Melanoma with Fruits and Vegetables?.