New Planter Boxes

The new, raised, planter boxes are a great addition to the farm!  Easy to tend because of their height, the frames allow the growing to be more controlled and easier to maintain with watering and weeding.    Right now, the boxes are filled with leafy greens, herbs and tomato plants that grow well in the […]

Be an Advocate!

All of us who support people with disabilities are in some way advocates for them.  It is this role that allows us to exercise and promote the philosophy and values of The Big Wave Project. As a supportive group of people, we should all work to relate to the individuals in a way that assists […]

BW Affords Opportunity for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

An emphasis on human dignity and a conviction that each person is unique and capable of growth is the key to effective developmental disabilities programs.   The Big Wave Project helps better ensure that individuals with disabilities are afforded every opportunity by… 1. Encouraging individuals to exercise an increased amount of control and choice in their […]

Big Wave Farm Day 9/’12

   Hello farmers! Thanks for supporting the farm by making it out this month to weed!  We removed more than 10 wheel barrow full loads of weeds.  Now that the weeds are removed, we can begin to put down the bark mulch to prevent this many weeds from growing.  Check out the pictures below, including […]

Letter to Supporters

Dear Big Wave Supporters,   I want to thank all of our supporters of Big Wave. We had such an amazing turnout for the Wednesday hearing. We had people from all walks and locales, some people I didn’t even know, that came together for a singular, shared purpose, to help build our Big Wave community.   Well things […]